Thursday, December 1, 2011

David's Birthday November 12th 2011

Sara wrapped this present and it had tons of tape on it. She had a lot of fun and Dad had to use scissors to open it. Great fun had by all.
This was the shirt that my mother made him.
Me, Jennifer, Erin and David's presents.
The balloons that he got from his siblings. A lot of fun.
Dinner out with the family

David's birthday is at a very busy time of year. I wanted to do something special, but i wasn't sure what. So I talked to Jennifer and we decided not to go really big and do something small with the family. We did want to have as many people as possible remember his birthday, so I had Erin send out an reminder to have everyone write something to him on his birthday. I couldn't do it, because he has access to my computer, and email. If I did it, I was sure he would find out. He did have a lot of people text or send him emails on his birthday. The best was that his siblings got together and gave him 50 black balloons and a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant.

While we were running around getting things done, someone came to our door with 50 balloons. I wasn't even there and he called me and asked me if I was behind it. I wasn't of course, but I did get a big laugh out of it. I don't think he was excited about it as I was.
He didn't want a lot for his birthdays, we helped him with some chores he wanted done and went out to dinner with him. Then we came home and had presents and a dessert of his choice. It wasn't anything big, but I think he felt loved and was with those he loved. We love him very much and he is good to us. He is a great husband, father and a friend to the community. I hope his day was wonderful.

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