Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Dec 20th -26th

Talent show


The pile of presents



Anna Grace

Timothy and his gingerbread house.



Chris & Kate


We had a wonderful Christmas break and a nice visit with Chris and Kates family. We don't get to see them very much and it is always nice to see them.

Tuesday night as a family we had the opportunity to participate in the sub for Santa's. We would pick a package call the people to deliver it to and then go and deliver it to the people. It has always been a lot of fun and a great way to help out in the community. Chris & Kate arrived late that night, so they missed out on the service project.

Wednesday Chris and Kate bought a bunch of stuff to make necklaces and showed us how to make them. My family needed a little help finishing them, but we had a real good time together. We played games and visited and a great time was had by all.

Thursday was a hang out day and that night we went to watch Jennifer play. Jennifer had another solid game. She was 5-6 from the field, 10pt, 10 rebounds, 3 blocks, 1 steal, 1 foul and 3 turnovers. She had a double double and only played 15 minutes. It was fun for the family to see her play and always nice when they win. They played Nevada and won 84-53.

Friday Chris's family went skiing and were very brave and took Timothy, Sara and Heather.
It was a great day and everyone had a good time. Especially Kate who skied hard and loved every minute of it.

Saturday was very busy and a lot of fun. We all went to the Movies and when we came back, Santa had come. It was a little of a shock to some, when they saw the pile of presents. They weren't sure if they should get everyone else or check out what they got first. But Timothy was very helpful when he saw it and just yelled to everyone and then checked out what was in his stocking. Then we all gathered and one at a time we opened presents. Then that night we had our traditional Shrimp Dinner. It was a very enjoyable day with great food and family.

Sunday Chris's family went to Church with us and David, Sara, Heather sang with the choir. It was a short program and a lot of musical numbers. Kate's mom made a great Italian dinner, which was different, but a nice change. Then that evening we acted out the Nativity and had the talent show. Everyone participated. You could preform a talent or read a Christmas story.

Chris & Kate bought us a new bball hoop for Christmas. It was very kind of them and we have really enjoyed it. Thanks Chris and Kate for your kindness.

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