Jessica Udall, Heather Hamson, Norah Milner, Mea Fisher and Maya Perry. These are some of Heather's friends that came to her baptism. The awesome fivesome.
Brother Scott & Brother Milner our home teachers.
Grandma & Grandpa were able to come. It was nice to have them there. The dress Heather is wearing was made by my mom. She did a great job. Heather was beautiful.
Jennifer wasn't there, but Erin was able to come.
The family Tresa, David, Alan, Timothy, Sara and Heather. Jennifer was away playing volleyball with BYU. We missed having her there. She text Heather and that made her day.
Heather Hamson & Norah Milner
Norah was also baptized that day.
Heather with Mom & Dad
Heather and her Dad by the photo of Jesus being baptized.
Alan Hamson gave the talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost. He did a great job. It was so nice to see my children growing up and making good choices. There was a really nice spirit there throughout the whole program. The closing song was When Jesus Christ was Baptised. The closing prayer was by Emily Milner.
Norah's grandparents where on a mission and couldn't be there, but they sent their testimony to be read outload for Norah. I thought that was a great way for them to be involved if they couldn't be there.